Correcting Midlines And Achieving Overbite
- On 7 July 2019
At AlignerConcierge, we pay attention to minor details in ClinChecks received. Adjustments made by us in treatment plans, allow our clients to achieve the best clinical outcomes. The below case was submitted by a client with the objective to correct the following problems:
- The arch form
- Overbite
- Crowding
- Inclinations of upper and lower front teeth
- Crossbite
1. Upper and Lower midlines were not coinciding.
2. Desired overbite was not achieved.
1. The desired retraction of upper and lower front teeth was not achieved.
2. Attachments used were not as per the doctor’s preference.
3. Class I canine relation not achieved.
The modifications and enhancements made by Aligner Concierge were as following:
1. Upper and lower midlines were corrected to coincide.
2. Upper and lower teeth were extruded to achieve more overbite.
3. IPR in the upper arch as per Bolton’s discrepancy to help in further retraction.
1. Achieved more retraction of upper and lower front teeth.
2. Changed attachments as per the doctor’s preference.
3. Use of cross elastics by the inclusion of button cut out on buccal of UR7 and lingual LR7 to correct crossbite.
4. Added Class III elastics for retraction of lower canine and achieve a Class I canine relation.
5. The corrected lower curve of spee.
6. Removal of posterior contact by Intrusion to help achieve an anterior overbite.
7. Added Class II elastics to achieve a Class I canine and molar relation.
8. Made UL8 immovable and removed spacing between the upper second and third molar.
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